Dear Younger Lucas,
It gets better. That's not just something people say; it's true, and I'm living proof of it.
You're going to spend a lot of your younger years hiding who you really are. Trying to fit into the mold that everyone else seems to have made for you. Growing up where we did, with religion and small-town values dictating every aspect of life, didn't exactly make it easy to be yourself. You'll try, though, really hard, to be what everyone expects.
You end up marrying an amazing woman. She's wonderful, truly, and she doesn't deserve the hand that life deals her. The effort you both put into making things work, including marriage therapy, ends up feeling futile. But from that marriage, you get two incredible kids. They're the best part of your life, no contest.
A year after everything changes, you're both in a much better place, living as your true selves. Your family still loves you, and they get to know the real you. There's still a roller coaster ahead, but it's worth it. Don't wait to come out. The sooner you do it, the better.
You're not alone. There are so many men out there in the same boat. Find them. They'll help you discover who you are meant to be.
So, Younger Lucas, hang in there. Yes, there are tough times ahead, but also so much happiness and authenticity. Your family will still be there, and your kids will be the light of your life. It's going to be okay, better than okay actually. Just start walking towards your truth now. The rest will follow.
Take care, and remember, it really does get better.